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Update History


Product Overview
Product Content
Update History

Product Overview

Version: 1.4
Last Update: 02-25-2012
Permissions: Modify/Copy/No Transfer
Objects: 2
  • FX LIQUID: 11
  • Controller: 5
Price: L$650

Product Content




The [URW]_FX_LIQUID_250 simulates a liquid light effect on floors or walls.
The FX_LIQUID_250 has 8 basic colors and 6 themes.
Colors are: White, Green, Orange, Red, Blue, Yellow, Purple, Magenta.
Themes are: UR, Ocean, Pool, Toxic, Lemon Lime, Lava.
The FX_LIQUID_250 has two speeds and 2 sizes.
Auto mode; Random program.
Set 1, 2 and 3 buttons are part of the controller instead of the menu.
This way FX_LIQUID_250s in another Set can be accessed much faster.



When the FX_LIQUID body is pressed by the owner, a menu will appear with the following options:
  • Set 1, 2, 3: With these functions you can create 3 groups of FX_LIQUIDs. Default is Set 1.
  • GR ON/OFF: With these functions you can enable/disable the FX_LIQUIDs ground effect. Default is ON.
  • Exit Menu: To exit the menu the correct way.


The Controller has 25 buttons:
ON: The last known program will be started.
OFF: To turn the FX_LIQUID and controller off.
P RANDOM: Starts Random Color program.
P RANDOM ALL: Starts Random Color, Size and Speed program.
P IN ORDER: Starts Color in order program.
SPEED 1, 2: To set the FX_LIQUID speed.
SIZE 1, 2: To set the FX_LIQUID size.
COLORS: To set the FX_LIQUID color: White, Green, Orange, Red, Blue. Yellow, Purple, Magenta.
THEMES: To set the FX_LIQUID themes: UR, Ocean, Pool, Toxic, Lemon Lime, Lava.

  • Owner, Group, All: You can make the Controller accessible for Owner, Group and All. Default is Group.
  • RESET: To restore the controllers default settings.
  • UPDATE: To check for product updates. Can take up to 20 seconds before you'll recieve a response.



The FX LIQUID has two seperate Beams.
You can adjust these FX LIQUID Beam sizes.

To do so, please follow these steps:
  • 1. Turn on "Show invisible parts" by pressing CTRL+ALT+T.
  • 2. Turn off "Stretch Both Sides" on the Edit Tool Window.
  • 3. Locate the bottom of the inner Beam and adjust it to the wanted size.
  • 4. Note down the Length Size (Z).
  • 5. Now locate bottom of the outher Beam and adjust it to the same size.
  • 6. Move down/up both ground effect prims to the desired position.
  • 7. Select "Edit Linked" on the Edit Tool Window and click on the prim with the Logo on it (Body).
  • 8. On the Edit Tool Window go to the General Tab.
  • 9. Fill in the Length Value you noted down into the Description Field.
  • 10. Close the Edit Tool Window and left click the Logo prim and choose: "LOAD DATA" from the Menu.
  • 11. Changes will be confirmed.
  • 12. Turn off "Show invisible parts" by pressing CTRL+ALT+T again.

Update History

VERSION: 1.4, 02-25-2012
  • ADDED: Changeable Beam sizes (See: Advanced Set-Up).
VERSION: 1.3, 02-21-2012
  • FIXED: Controller Owner, Group, All rights.
  • CHANGED: Controller is now modifiable.
VERSION: 1.2, 12-21-2011
  • ADDED: Random Color, Random All, Color in order Programs.

VERSION: 1.1, 03-07-2011
  • ADDED: IDCode (HUD) feature.

VERSION: 1.0, 11-23-2010

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